Shelley, Marshall (雪萊, 馬歇爾)

“Marshall is director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Denver Seminary and is contributing editor of Christianity Today’s

He is the author of Well-Intentioned Dragons, Ministering to Problem People in Your Church, the general editor of The Quest Study Bible, co-author with Harold Myra of The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham, and co-author with his father, church historian Bruce Shelley, of The Consumer Church: Can Evangelicals Win the World Without Losing Their Soul?

Raised in Colorado gazing at mountains, he lived for 34 years in “topographically challenged” Chicagoland while editing Leadership Journal before returning to the land of peaks, aspen, and Broncos. He enjoys sports, travel, and history. He and his wife, Susan, have five much-loved children (Stacey, Kelsey, Mandy, Toby, and Bayly), two sons-in-law (Will and Anthony) of whom they are very proud, and five of the best grandchildren ever (Emilia, Grey, Susie, Chase, and Robbie)!” –From ChristianityToday

“馬歇爾是丹佛神學院教牧博士課程的項目主任,也是《今日基督教》 的特約編輯


他在科羅拉多州長大,眺望群山,在“地形複雜”的芝加哥生活了 34 年,同時編輯《領導力雜誌》,然後回到了山峰、白楊和野馬隊的土地。 他喜歡運動、旅行和歷史。 他和他的妻子蘇珊有五個深受喜愛的孩子(斯泰西、凱爾西、曼迪、托比和貝利),兩個令他們感到非常自豪的女婿(威爾和安東尼),以及五個最好的孫子(艾米莉亞、格雷、蘇西、蔡斯和羅比)!”——䆁自《今日基督教》

衝突臨爆點 : 25 位名牧談教會衝突與調和 / 馬歇爾雪萊 編著 ; 施玉勉 譯.