For many people, skeptics and believers alike, the Old Testament is rife with controversial passages and events that make both belief and sharing our beliefs with others difficult. Often our solutions have tended toward the extremes--ignore problem passages and pretend they don't matter or obsess over them and treat them as though they are the only thing that matters.
Now with clarity of purpose and fidelity to the message and spirit of Scripture as a whole, Tremper Longman confronts pressing questions of concern to modern audiences, particularly young people in the church:
- the creation/evolution debate
- God-ordained violence
- the historicity of people, places, and events
- human sexuality
Pastors, leaders in the church, and thoughtful and troubled Christians in the pews will find here a well-reasoned and faithful approach to dealing with the Old Testament passages so many find challenging or disconcerting.
朗文(Tremper LongmanⅢ),美國加州韋斯特蒙特學院(Westmont College)聖經研究(Robert H. Gundry教席)教授。著作超過二十本,已譯成中文的有《21世紀舊約導論》(與Raymond B. Dillard合著)、《心靈的迴響:詩篇的信息與研讀方法》、《但以理書註釋》等。
1. Creation and evolution : are the Bible and science in conflict?
2. Did the exodus and conquest happen and does it matter?
3. Divine violence : does God kill?
4. Sexuality : is homosexual practice affirmed?