"This reliable and highly readable textbook provides comprehensive coverage of core Christian beliefs. Based on the author's introductory Christian doctrine course, the book rests firmly on biblical foundations while providing a balanced discussion of areas where evangelicals disagree. The text includes essay topics and further reading suggestions." --From Amazon
"Tony studied maths and theology at Oxford and Cambridge before joining the school’s faculty in 1973. He has remained here since then, apart from a year away spent teaching in Kenya and researching in the USA. He was Course Leader for the School’s BA programme for twelve years before becoming Director of Research from 1996 to 2008. In 2000 he was recognised by Brunel University as Professor of Historical Theology and in 2004 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Divinity by Oxford University.
He is an enthusiast for Christian doctrine, and especially its history. His desire is for students to become more aware of the riches of the Christian heritage and he has the ability to express complex doctrinal concepts simply. This talent is visible in his Lion Christian Classics Collection (2004), Concise History of Christian Thought (2006) and Exploring Christian Doctrine (2013). Most of his scholarly writings have been on Calvin, including his John Calvin: Student of the Church Fathers (1999) and Reader’s Guide to Calvin’s Institutes (2009). He has also written Bernard of Clairvaux: Theologian of the Cross (2013). He has worked intensively on the doctrine of justification and has published Justification by Faith in Catholic-Protestant Dialogue (2002) and Regensburg Article 5 on Justification: Inconsistent Patchwork or Substance of True Doctrine? (2019). For many years Tony chaired the Tyndale Fellowship Doctrine Group and he is a member of the Presidium that runs the four-yearly International Congress on Calvin Research." --From website of London School of Theology
Chapter 1: Knowing God
Chapter 2: The Bible
Chapter 3: Speaking about God
Chapter 4: The Creation of the Universe
Chapter 5: The Spirit World
Chapter 6: Humanity
Chapter 7: Sin
Chapter 8: The Fall and Original Sin
Chapter 9: Providence
Chapter 10: Evil and Suffering (Theodicy)
Chapter 11: The Law and the Old Testament
Chapter 12: The Work of Christ
Chapter 13: The Person of Christ (Christology)
Chapter 14: The Uniqueness of Christ
Chapter 15: Holy Spirit
Chapter 16: The Trinity
Chapter 17: God
Chapter 18: Christian Initiation
Chapter 19: Baptism
Chapter 20: Justification and Assurance
Chapter 21: Sanctification
Chapter 22: Perseverance and Reward
Chapter 23: Grace and Election
Chapter 24: The Church 1 (Ecclesiology)
Chapter 26: Holy Communion
Chapter 27: The End Times
Chapter 28: Hell
Chapter 29: Future Hope