Integrity. It is more than simple honesty. It's the key to success. A person with integrity has the -- often rare -- ability to pull everything together, to make it all happen no matter how challenging the circumstances.
Drawing on experiences from his work with Fortune 500 companies, nonprofits, and individual leaders, Dr. Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist and nationally syndicated radio host, shows how our character can keep us from achieving all we want to (or could) be.
In Integrity, Dr. Cloud explores the six qualities of character that define integrity. He uses stories from well-known business leaders like Michael Dell and sports figures like Tiger Woods to illustrate each of these qualities. He shows us how people with integrity:
- Are able to connect with others and build trust
- Are oriented toward reality
- Finish well
- Embrace the negative
- Are oriented toward increase
- Have an understanding of the transcendent
Success is not related to only talent or brains. There are a lot of bright, talented people who are never successful. And the most successful are not only the ones with the most talent. The real factor, Cloud demonstrates, is the makeup of the person. All of us can grow in the kinds of real character that bring about fruitful relationships and achievement of purpose, mission, and goals. Integrity is not something that you either have or don't, but instead is an exciting growth path that all of us can engage in and enjoy.
克勞德博士(Dr. Henry Cloud) & 湯森德博士(Dr. John Townsend)
受歡迎的講員、心理學家、全國性的電台節目《新生命直播》(New Life Live!)聯合主持人、「克勞德——湯森德診療所」及「克勞德——湯森德資源」聯合創辦人。兩人均持有臨床心理學博士學位,在美國加州新港灘(New Port Beach)開設精神科診所。
曾合著多部暢銷書籍,包括《神要開道路》(God Will Make a Way)、《成長神學》(How People Grow)、金獎書《過猶不及》(Boundaries)、《為婚姻立界線》(Boundaries in Marriage)等。
克勞德博士另著有《改變帶來醫治》(Changes That Heal),湯森德博士也著有《與愛捉迷藏》(Hiding from Love)。