Old Testament ethics for the people of God / Christopher J. H. Wright.

About the author (To WordPress)

Some Christians distinguish the moral laws in the Old Testament (which must be obeyed) from the ceremonial and civil laws (which may be disregarded). Others prefer a strictly New Testament ethic. Neither option, argues Chris Wright, does justice to the Old Testament as an essential part of our Bible.

In this lively and readable approach, he develops a comprehensive alternative. First, he proposes a theological, social and economic framework for Old Testament ethics. Then, in relation to contemporary issues, he explores a variety of themes: economics, the land and the poor; ecology and the earth; politics and the world of nations; law and justice; society, culture and the family; the way of the individual.

Since its first appearance in 1983, Chris Wright's 'Living as the People of God' has been widely appreciated. Now fully revised, updated and restructured, it incorporates material from the author's 'Walking in the Ways of the Lord', together with new surveys of historical and contemporary scholarly approaches to Christian ethical use of the Old Testament. This fresh and accessible study will appeal to non-specialists, while the greatly expanded bibliographies will make it a useful resource for students.

"Incorporates material first published in Living as the people of God (IVP, 1983), Walking on the ways of the Lord (Apollos, 1995)."

Wright, Christopher J. H. (萊特), 1947-

萊特(Christopher J. H. Wright),劍橋哲學博士,是「國際靈風合作夥伴組織」(the Langham Partnership International)的國際事工主管。曾擔任萬國宣教學院(All Nations Christian College)院長,也曾在印度普納(Pune)的聯合聖經神學院(Union Biblical Seminary)任教。著有The Uniqueness of Jesus、Deuteronomy (New International Biblical Commentary)、《聖經信息系列:以西結書》(The Message of Ezekiel)、《基督教舊約倫理學》(Old Testament Ethics for the People of God)等書,是重量級的福音派舊約神學家,也是宣教學者。自2001擔任「國際靈風合作夥伴組織」團隊主管以來,持續在全球培育福音信仰新一代的領袖。2010年在南非開普敦舉行的第三屆洛桑世界福音會議(The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization)當中,他更以洛桑神學工作小組主席的身分及學養,與眾多福音派神學家共同撰寫大會宣言《開普敦承諾》(The Capetown Commitment: A Confession of Faith and a Call to Action);宣言當中的主要骨幹論據,正是出自《宣教中的上帝》一書的精華。


Part One: A structure for Old Testament ethics

1. The theological angle

2. The social angle

3. The economic angle

Part Two: Themes in old testament ethics

4. Ecology and the earth

5. Economics and the poor

6. The land and Christian ethics

7. Politics and the nations

8. Justice and righteousness

9. Law and the legal system

10. Culture and family

11. The way of the individual

12. A survey of historical approaches

13. Contemporary scholarship: a bibliographical essay

14. Hermeneutics and authority in Old Testament ethics




Old Testament ethics for the people of God / Christopher J. H. Wright.






2004. Fully revised, updated and integrated edtion.


520 pages. ; 16 x 24 cm.


241 .W931 2004



