"Osborne has successfully combined a thorough familiarity with the text of Revelation, a detailed knowledge of recent scholarship, and a clear writing style with a vital concern for the practical needs of students, pastors, and laity alike. His commentary invites a broad readership and will serve as an excellent text for courses on Revelation." -- by David E. Aune, University of Notre Dame
Series: Baker exegetical commentary on the New Testament
格蘭.奧斯邦博士(Grant R. Osborne, Ph. D.),英國亞伯丁大學(University of Aberdeen)哲學博士、三一福音神學院新約聖經碩士、其研究專長為四福音書、釋經學、啟示錄。一九七七年以來至今,皆在美國三一福音神學院擔任新約聖經教授。
已出版的著作包括:《復活的敘事》(The Resurrection Narratives , Baker, 1984)、 《基督教釋經學手冊》(校園,1999)、《有關聖經的三個關鍵問題》(Three Crucial Questions about the Bible, Baker, 1994, 2007)。聖經註釋書有《啟示錄註釋》(華神)、《羅馬書》(IVP series, 2004)、以及《約翰福音》(Cornerstone series, 將出版)。與其他人合著的書有:《聖經研讀手冊》(Handbook for Bible Study, Baker, 1979)、《教會中的聖經》(The Bible in the Churches, Paulist, 1984)。主編美國校園出版社的「新約註釋系列」(The IVP New Testament Commentary series)、《生活應用聖經註釋》(The Life Application Bible Commentary, Baker)、《新約聖經研究的表層》(The Face of New Testament Studies, Baker Academic, 2004)。奧斯邦博士也是英文《新生活聖經》(New Living Translation, 1996)的六個編輯委員之一 。
1. Prologue (1:1-8) — 2. Churches addressed (1:9-3:22) — Inaugural vision (1:9-20) — Letters to the seven churches (2:1-3:22) — 3. God in majesty and judgment (4:1-16:21) — God’s sovereignty in judgment (4:1-11:19) — Great conflict between God and the forces of evil (12:1-16:21) — 4. Final judgment at the arrival of the Eschaton (17:1-20:15) — Destruction of Babylon the Great (17:1-19:5) — Final victory : the end of the evil empire at the Parousia (19:6-21) — The thousand-year reign of Christ and final destruction of Satan (20:1-10) — Great white throne judgement (20:11-15) — 5. New heaven and new earth (21:1-22:5) — Coming of new heaven and new earth (21:1-8) — New Jerusalem as the Holy of Holies (21:9-27) — New Jerusalem as the final Eden (22:1-5) — 6. Epilogue (22:6-21)