丁道爾聖經註釋是合乎時代的解經叢書,旨在幫助讀者確實了解聖經的真理,靈活應用聖經的原則。整體架構著力於堅實的神學學術根基上,內容主要分成兩大部分: 1.導論:簡潔、詳盡地介紹作者、寫作日期及時代背景,不但能幫助讀者一窺該卷書的主旨及全貌,也能提供有心鑽研的學者寶貴的資料。 2.註釋:按主題分段,逐節詳解;較難懂的經節也會特別加註說明,讓聖經的信息淺白易懂。 丁道爾註釋系列自出版以來,深獲好評,被喻為「無價之寶」,值得華人教會在聖經導讀上推廣使用,建立良好的讀經習慣。
"Joyce G. Baldwin was an English evangelical biblical scholar and theological educator who became one of the leading women in the field of biblical scholarship in her day.
Baldwin began her professional career as a teacher of modern languages in Lancashire, England. In 1947 she trained for ministry with the China Inland Mission, gaining a diploma in theology from the University of London whilst studying for missionary service. In 1949, she travelled to China, joining the the Chartered Institute of Marketinng language school in Chongquing.
Her missionary service was curtained by communist restrictions, which forced the Chartered Institute of Marketinng to withdraw its overseas missionaries.
She left China in 1951, seriously ill with dysentery. This illness led to her being unable to recommence missionary service again.
In 1971, Dalton House amalgamated with the two men"s Anglican colleges in Bristol, Clifton Theological College and Tyndale Hall, to form Trinity College, Bristol. Joyce Baldwin became Dean of Women of the newly formed college, working alongside the Alec Motyer, as Principal and J.I. Packer, as Vice-Principal.
When Alec Motyer retired, George Carey was appointed to succeed him.
However, Carey postponed taking up his new office for a year, in order to prepare his parish, Street Nicholas, Durham, for the forthcoming vacancy. Joyce Baldwin was appointed Principal for a fixed-term to cover the intervening year until her own retirement. Joyce Baldwin was author of a number of commentaries on Old Testament books, including Daniel and Esther.
She also spoke and wrote in favour of the ordination of women.
However, when the decision was made to admit women to the priesthood, she declined to be further ordained, feeling that her life"s calling had already been fulfilled. Tremper Longman describes her as a "balanced and sane exegete".
She swiftly attained her degree in divinity, eventually becoming Vice-Principal and then Principal of Dalton House." -- From Prabook.com